National Champions Association
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Association members
A place for all current and former national league champions. And me
2008-09-09 16:02
Season 14
Andorra - Ludopatias
Argentina - ASROMA (5)
Australia - Roar FC / The_Comets (2)
Az?rbaycan - FC Borcali
Belarus - Red Devil`s
België - Abaddon`s Chosen
Bolivia - Mikinis
Bosna i Hercegovina - TERMINATORI
Brasil - Sulista F. C.
Bulgaria - Spartak-bob
C(eská republika - BANÍK Veľký Krtíš (7)
Cameroun - Camerun
Canada - Valiant FC (8)
Chile - Deportivo Gruno
Colombia - Santa Fe
Costa Rica - León Manudo
Crna Gora - FK Magarci
Cymru - The Pixies
Daehan Minguk - FC Dohan
Danmark - Team Niløse
Deutschland - FC KoKa Kö36
Ecuador - Qnkita (4)
Eesti - Max United
England - Forest Reserves (3)
España - Real Oviedo
France - vulcain
Guatemala - Los RompeHuesos
Hayastan - FC Armenia (2)
Hellas - ORANDA F.C.
Honduras - Guerreros del Fútbol
Hong Kong - Litter.Rain
Hrvatska - Kolinje
India - Royal kolkata F.C
Indonesia - Dunadan Rangers
Ireland - GB Rovers
Ísland - Ignis
Israel - MISKENIM (2)
Italia - The Sudden Death
Kenya - ShenShiMaRu
Latvija - FC Kruc
Lietuva - FK-EVIL
Magyarország - Bolondok Háza
Makedonija - Liverpool Mijak FC
Malaysia - MY United
Malta - St.Paul`s Shipwreck
México - Cerdos Adobados
Moldova - Re@l M@drid
Nederland - Apeltown FC (4)
New Zealand - Deathstrike
Nigeria - Universidad Católica de Chile
Nippon - BANZAI!
Norge - PolarBears Football
Österreich - Gfrisa
Panamá - C.At. Temperley
Paraguay - New MiToLoGy
Polska - Władcy Północy
Portugal - Berlengas Squad
República Dominicana - Feel Good Inc. (2)
România - Ciumegii Hawks
Rossiya - BAG
Schweiz - 1. FC Blumenau (3)
Scotland - St Johnstone (6)
Sénégal - les reds devils
Shqipëria - SK Tirana
Slovenija - pankson team
Slovensko - 1.FC RYBARI
South Africa - Blue Bulls
Srbija - F.C. Millwall
Suomi - PetPoj
Sverige - Superfuzz Bigmuff
Türkiye - Forslutayfa SK
Ukraina - F.C Ravens
Uruguay - Dominados
USA - Trogdor
Venezuela - Ile Ife
Zho-ngguó - Whiting Start
NCA Champions
2009-04-25 04:16
Season 17 Champions
2009-02-27 00:12
Season 16 Champions
2008-09-26 15:14
Season 15 Champions
2008-09-09 16:02
Season 14 Champions
2008-09-09 16:02
Season 13 Champions
2008-09-09 16:00
Season 12 Champions
2008-09-09 15:58
Season 11 Champions
2008-09-09 15:55
Season 10 Champions
2008-09-09 15:53
Season 9 Champions
2008-09-09 15:51