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Subject: yp
Yep, it´s a little bit tricky.
If I train him he will be off mid or winger. Stamina it´s not a problem because he will play with the sub in start so it´s doesn´t matter.
If I train him he will be off mid or winger. Stamina it´s not a problem because he will play with the sub in start so it´s doesn´t matter.
Yepp, what i meant with the stamina is that the skills would have been better to have on the pace or the PM instead of the stamina... stamina is easy to train so it´s better to get tragic to start with.
I am definitely training (scoring) this one.
I am definitely training (scoring) this one.
Hmm, he isn´t really that talented to be honest with you.
I would say that a talented player shoul have maximun 4 weeks between the pops to be worth training.
Ragnar would also need a lot of pace training wich takes even longer time to train so i am afraid that he won´t make it to the National Team but he can be a good player in your club of course.
I would say that a talented player shoul have maximun 4 weeks between the pops to be worth training.
Ragnar would also need a lot of pace training wich takes even longer time to train so i am afraid that he won´t make it to the National Team but he can be a good player in your club of course.
Hmm, he isn´t really that talented to be honest with you.
I would say that a talented player shoul have maximun 4 weeks between the pops to be worth training.
Ragnar would also need a lot of pace training wich takes even longer time to train so i am afraid that he won´t make it to the National Team but he can be a good player in your club of course. It am going to train him to sell him later. He is good enough for that. He was kind of not long enough in my junior team to really know his talent. He could have 5 weeks between pops or 4,5 weeks between pops, I don't know which. I had one player like that recently. He first popped after 5 weeks, then 4 weeks, then 5 weeks and 4 weeks.
Does the quality of the junior trainer/coach have any influence on how frequently the juniors pop?
I would say that a talented player shoul have maximun 4 weeks between the pops to be worth training.
Ragnar would also need a lot of pace training wich takes even longer time to train so i am afraid that he won´t make it to the National Team but he can be a good player in your club of course. It am going to train him to sell him later. He is good enough for that. He was kind of not long enough in my junior team to really know his talent. He could have 5 weeks between pops or 4,5 weeks between pops, I don't know which. I had one player like that recently. He first popped after 5 weeks, then 4 weeks, then 5 weeks and 4 weeks.
Does the quality of the junior trainer/coach have any influence on how frequently the juniors pop?
Does the quality of the junior trainer/coach have any influence on how frequently the juniors pop?
já og þá er það bara MAIN SKILL sem telur en til að main skillið sé hátt þá þurfa hin skillin líka að vera há
en það sem ég er að tala um að ef þú ert með öll sjö skillin Tragic en Divine í striker þá er ekkert meiri eða minni líkur á því að þú fáir striker
já og þá er það bara MAIN SKILL sem telur en til að main skillið sé hátt þá þurfa hin skillin líka að vera há
en það sem ég er að tala um að ef þú ert með öll sjö skillin Tragic en Divine í striker þá er ekkert meiri eða minni líkur á því að þú fáir striker
Yes it does, wich level has your youth coach? He is magical.
Hans main skill er magical en flest hin skillin eru magical og unearthly. Versta og eina skillið sem er verra en magical er stamina sem er bara brilliant ef ég man það rétt.
hvað er hann með í laun????
Magical Lægstu 2.908.000
Magical Hæstu 4.596.000
vonandi er hann nær tveimur komma þremur millum en 4,6!!!!!!!!!!1
Magical Lægstu 2.908.000
Magical Hæstu 4.596.000
vonandi er hann nær tveimur komma þremur millum en 4,6!!!!!!!!!!1
hvað er hann með í laun????
"Aðeins" 4 332 000 kr :)
"Aðeins" 4 332 000 kr :)
það er spurning um að fá sér einhvern sem er launa lægri
Brilliant Lægstu 2.026.000
Brilliant Hæstu 4.320.000
Magical Lægstu 2.908.000
Magical Hæstu 4.596.000
Unearthly Lægstu 4.640.000
Unearthly Hæstu 4.808.000
þarft ekki nema að bæta 400.000 á viku þá gætir þú féngið Unearthly þjálfara
skoðaðu síðustu fréttir á lið síðuni minni hann var svoldið dyr en ég held að ég muni halda honum leingur en 7 tímabil
Brilliant Lægstu 2.026.000
Brilliant Hæstu 4.320.000
Magical Lægstu 2.908.000
Magical Hæstu 4.596.000
Unearthly Lægstu 4.640.000
Unearthly Hæstu 4.808.000
þarft ekki nema að bæta 400.000 á viku þá gætir þú féngið Unearthly þjálfara
skoðaðu síðustu fréttir á lið síðuni minni hann var svoldið dyr en ég held að ég muni halda honum leingur en 7 tímabil
Minn hæfði buddunni minni þegar ég keypti hann á 22 750 000 kr. Hef ekki efni á að kaupa Unearthly þjálfara núna. En ég ræð við að borga þeim sem ég hef laun.