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Team won Champions Cup !!
am castigat tot ce se putea la nivel de club
Champions Cup winner
1.Bendik Østvold
2.Anastasio Valentín
3.Attila Herakles
4.Ignaz Pekarek
5.Jędrzej Polnar
6.George-Valentin Neagoe
7.Johnny Stainthorpe
8.Jacek Gocuł
9.Leroy Leather
10.Karsten Dardemann
11.Henrik Kalenyan
12.Lucio Guancia
13.Vojin Šepelj
14.Szymon Zasadzki
15.Fedor Palanos
16.Oliver Rump
Champions Cup winner
1.Bendik Østvold
2.Anastasio Valentín
3.Attila Herakles
4.Ignaz Pekarek
5.Jędrzej Polnar
6.George-Valentin Neagoe
7.Johnny Stainthorpe
8.Jacek Gocuł
9.Leroy Leather
10.Karsten Dardemann
11.Henrik Kalenyan
12.Lucio Guancia
13.Vojin Šepelj
14.Szymon Zasadzki
15.Fedor Palanos
16.Oliver Rump

Team finished Liga I in position 3.
am pierdut campionatul in ultima etapa, dezamagire mare, daca am mers pe 2 fronturi

Team won silver in Cupa României.
acelasi ghinion, multi jucatori accidentati si suspendati, nu am avut mai mult noroc, o sa revenim in forta in cateva sezoane

Team won silver in Cupa României.
o performanta, mare ghinion asta e, incercam sezonul viitor
Team finished Liga V.071 in position 5.
primul sezon de acomodare :), sezonul urmator trebuie sa terminam pe podium

Team has been promoted to Liga V.071.
dupa un meci de baraj in care am dominat de la un capat la altu obtinand o victorie fara emotii (6-1)
Team was renamed to F.C. LANUS.