Subpage under development, new version coming soon!
Team was renamed to Good-Bye, Sokker......

Team has been promoted to Liga II.03.
Dupa lupte seculare ce-au durat trei sezoane, am promovat in sfarsit in liga a-II-a. La final sper sa nu fim "demni" de sintagma Veni, Vidi.....Pleci....:D....Macar doua sezoane sa stam si noi aici....Ramane de vazut ce vom face....

Team has been promoted to Liga III.01.
Dupa un meci de baraj foarte dificil, am reusit sa accedem din nou in liga a III a.Sa speram ca de data asta, sederea noastra aici o sa fie de o mai lunga durata.:P

Team finished Liga IV.41 in position 1.
Un sezon extrem de dificil ,la finalul caruia am obtinut primul loc la golaveraj.Excelenta treaba, avand in vedere ca porneam la drum din postura de echipa nou promovata, fara prea mari pretentii.
Un sezon extrem de dificil ,la finalul caruia am obtinut primul loc la golaveraj.Excelenta treaba, avand in vedere ca porneam la drum din postura de echipa nou promovata, fara prea mari pretentii.

Team has been promoted to Liga IV.41.
Suntem pe drumul cel bun, dar nu-i suficient.Vrem mai mult!
Team has been relegated to Liga V.014.
DEZASTRU!!! Era ultimul lucru la care ne asteptam....Un meci jalnic, in care am dominat autoritar de la cap la coada insa motorul jocului a tinut mortis sa iasa ca el.Asta este, incercam sa mergem mai departe....
Team finished Liga IV.38 in position 6.
Ne-am chinuit meci de meci, astfel ca locul 6 nu mira pe nimeni....No comment...
Team was eliminated from Cupa României at 2 round.
Inca un sezon in care a primat antrenamentul tinerilor..Prin urmare, echipa a fost eliminată din Cupa României în runda cu numărul 2 ....
Team finished Liga III.03 in position 6.
Un sezon extrem de dificil, in care s-a vazut foarte clar faptul ca nu avem inca o echipa suficient de inchegata, astfel incat sa facem fatza nivelului ligii a III a.Mai asteptam...
Team was eliminated from Cupa României at 3 round.
Nu ne trebuie cupa sezonul acesta.Avem de antrenat fundasi.Poate sezonul urmator...Mai vedem...

Team has been promoted to Liga III.03.
Iata-ne in fata celei mai mari realizari din istoria micutului nostru club: promovarea in liga a III a.Un vis devenit in sfarsit realitate! Nu speram ca acest lucru sa se intample atat de curand, insa totul se datoreaza baietilor nostri ce-au muncit din greu pentru a ajunge pana aici.
Bravo, baieti, suntem mandrii de voi!
Iata-ne in fata celei mai mari realizari din istoria micutului nostru club: promovarea in liga a III a.Un vis devenit in sfarsit realitate! Nu speram ca acest lucru sa se intample atat de curand, insa totul se datoreaza baietilor nostri ce-au muncit din greu pentru a ajunge pana aici.
Bravo, baieti, suntem mandrii de voi!

Team finished Liga IV.37 in position 1.
Inca un sezon excelent facut de echipa noastra. Ceea ce la inceput de sezon ni se parea o himera, acum s-a realizat, si anume am terminat pe prima pozitie intr-o grupa foarte dificila. Excelenta treaba , baieti...!!
1. Manchester City 14 11 3 0 36-9 36
2. FC REFATALITY 14 9 2 3 38-19 29
3. `Internazionale`Craiova 14 8 4 2 40-21 28
4. A.S. OchiReci 14 6 3 5 30-16 21
5. Atena-Palace 14 5 1 8 23-27 16
6. Robben RO 14 5 0 9 14-43 15
7. Loman United 14 3 0 11 24-41 9
8. Babaciunile 14 2 1 11 23-52 7
Inca un sezon excelent facut de echipa noastra. Ceea ce la inceput de sezon ni se parea o himera, acum s-a realizat, si anume am terminat pe prima pozitie intr-o grupa foarte dificila. Excelenta treaba , baieti...!!
1. Manchester City 14 11 3 0 36-9 36
2. FC REFATALITY 14 9 2 3 38-19 29
3. `Internazionale`Craiova 14 8 4 2 40-21 28
4. A.S. OchiReci 14 6 3 5 30-16 21
5. Atena-Palace 14 5 1 8 23-27 16
6. Robben RO 14 5 0 9 14-43 15
7. Loman United 14 3 0 11 24-41 9
8. Babaciunile 14 2 1 11 23-52 7
Team was eliminated from Cupa României at 4 round.
Apai acuma deh, ce sa-i faci...bautura, femei, masini...viatza ce ne asteptam? Nomal ca am iesit din cupa...Eu le-am zis, dar ce sa le fac? Asa ceva nu se poate...adica intru in vestiar si gasesc peste tot damigenele de vin goale , cand mai erau 10 minute si incepea meciul, si mai aveam pretentii? Eh , nu ca asta ar fi fost chiar culmea. Deci, mai pe scurt, echipa a fost eliminată din Cupa României în runda cu numărul 4.
Teams` stadium name was changed to City of Manchester Stadium.
The City of Manchester Stadium
has been selected to host the Uefa Cup final in 2008 by Uefa's executive committee.
Originally built for the Commonwealth Games, it has been Manchester City's home since August 2003.[...]
has been selected to host the Uefa Cup final in 2008 by Uefa's executive committee.
Originally built for the Commonwealth Games, it has been Manchester City's home since August 2003.[...]
Team finished Liga IV.37 in position 4.
Dupa un tur de campionat excelent, in care am detinut fotoliul de lider etape bune, a trebuit sa ne multumim doar cu locul 4, insa sezonul ce sta sa inceapa, speram sa fim acolo in varf, si sa reusim promovarea pe care ne-o dorim cu totii.
1. A.S. OchiReci 14 10 2 2 32-11 32
2. FC REFATALITY 14 10 2 2 36-19 32
3. Babaciunile 14 8 4 2 35-16 28
4. Manchester City 14 8 3 3 32-12 27 ]
5. Loman United 14 4 1 9 22-25 13
6. Internazionale Craiova 14 3 3 8 25-36 12
7. ReniiMetallici 14 3 0 11 16-38 9
8. Deluigi 14 2 1 11 14-55 7
Dupa un tur de campionat excelent, in care am detinut fotoliul de lider etape bune, a trebuit sa ne multumim doar cu locul 4, insa sezonul ce sta sa inceapa, speram sa fim acolo in varf, si sa reusim promovarea pe care ne-o dorim cu totii.
1. A.S. OchiReci 14 10 2 2 32-11 32
2. FC REFATALITY 14 10 2 2 36-19 32
3. Babaciunile 14 8 4 2 35-16 28
4. Manchester City 14 8 3 3 32-12 27 ]
5. Loman United 14 4 1 9 22-25 13
6. Internazionale Craiova 14 3 3 8 25-36 12
7. ReniiMetallici 14 3 0 11 16-38 9
8. Deluigi 14 2 1 11 14-55 7
Team was eliminated from Cupa României at 1 round.
Un meci groaznic facut de echipa noastra in primul tur al Cupei Romaniei. O rusine mai mare nici ca se putea acum la inceput de sezon, cand ne propuseseram cel putin turul 4.

Team has been promoted to Liga IV.37.
Obiectivul echipei noastre in acest sezon de liga a-IV-a , il va reprezenta mentzinerea , fara emotiile barajului.Acum ramane de vazut daca vom reusi sa ne ducem la bun sfarsit planul.

Team finished Liga V.126 in position 1.
Inca un sezon extraordinar pentru tanara noastra echipa. Am reusit a doua promovare consecutiva intr-o grupa grupa extrem de dificila , in care fiecare s-a luptat cum a putut mai bine pentru prima pozitie, insa noi am reusit sa ne-o adjudecam, si suntem mai mult decat multumiti si fericiti.
1. Manchester City 14 14 0 0 58-9 42
2. Fc.Jimbolia 14 10 0 4 36-19 30
3. Crocodilii Verzi 14 8 3 3 40-20 27
4. Internationale Satu Mare 14 6 3 5 23-22 21
5. F.C LA CABANA 14 4 3 7 19-27 15
6. Fc. St3aua 14 4 1 9 10-42 13
7. FC Jebel 14 3 3 8 12-33 12
8. Fantasy FC 14 0 1 13 10-36 1
Inca un sezon extraordinar pentru tanara noastra echipa. Am reusit a doua promovare consecutiva intr-o grupa grupa extrem de dificila , in care fiecare s-a luptat cum a putut mai bine pentru prima pozitie, insa noi am reusit sa ne-o adjudecam, si suntem mai mult decat multumiti si fericiti.
1. Manchester City 14 14 0 0 58-9 42
2. Fc.Jimbolia 14 10 0 4 36-19 30
3. Crocodilii Verzi 14 8 3 3 40-20 27
4. Internationale Satu Mare 14 6 3 5 23-22 21
5. F.C LA CABANA 14 4 3 7 19-27 15
6. Fc. St3aua 14 4 1 9 10-42 13
7. FC Jebel 14 3 3 8 12-33 12
8. Fantasy FC 14 0 1 13 10-36 1
Team was eliminated from Cupa României at 3 round.
Am parasit aceasta competitie cu fruntea sus dupa un meci destul de bun facut impotriva unei echipe din liga a 3 a .Nu suntem suparati, ci din contra. Speram ca sezonul viitor sa depasim acest parcurs.

Team has been promoted to Liga V.126.
Si iata ca dupa primul sezon , a venit si prima promovare.Oare ce ne-am fi putut dori mai mult?
Greul insa de-abia acum incepe. Cu putin noroc si curaj, credem ca vom face o figura frumoasa in liga a V a.
Greul insa de-abia acum incepe. Cu putin noroc si curaj, credem ca vom face o figura frumoasa in liga a V a.

Team finished Liga VI.0503 in position 1.
1. Manchester City 14 11 1 2 49-8 34
2. criminal.. 14 6 5 3 17-10 23
3. Gloria Băneasa 14 6 2 6 20-21 20
4. Armonia Medgidia 14 5 4 5 14-17 19
5. Univ. Sfântu Gheor... 14 6 0 8 13-18 18
6. C.F.R. Berceni 14 5 1 8 10-20 16
7. Naţional Colentina 14 4 3 7 10-23 15
8. Abatorul Mangalia 14 4 2 8 8-24 14
1. Manchester City 14 11 1 2 49-8 34
2. criminal.. 14 6 5 3 17-10 23
3. Gloria Băneasa 14 6 2 6 20-21 20
4. Armonia Medgidia 14 5 4 5 14-17 19
5. Univ. Sfântu Gheor... 14 6 0 8 13-18 18
6. C.F.R. Berceni 14 5 1 8 10-20 16
7. Naţional Colentina 14 4 3 7 10-23 15
8. Abatorul Mangalia 14 4 2 8 8-24 14
Team was renamed to Manchester City.
Manchester City Football Club is an English professional football club based in the city of Manchester. They are currently members of the English Premier League.
Originally formed in 1880 as St. Marks (West Gorton), they then became Ardwick A.F.C. in 1887 before changing their name to Manchester City F.C. in 1894. The club has won the League Championship twice, the FA Cup four times, the League Cup twice and the European Cup Winners Cup once. The club's most successful period was during the late 1960s and early 1970s, when they won several major trophies under the management team of Joe Mercer and his assistant Malcolm Allison, and with great players such as Colin Bell and Francis Lee.
However, the club has not won a major honour since 1976. The club's decline led to relegation. twice in three years in the 1990s, meaning they spent one year in the third tier of English football. However, the club has since regained Premier League status, putting City back in the top flight, the division in which they have spent the majority of their history.
Manchester City Football Club is an English professional football club based in the city of Manchester. They are currently members of the English Premier League.
Originally formed in 1880 as St. Marks (West Gorton), they then became Ardwick A.F.C. in 1887 before changing their name to Manchester City F.C. in 1894. The club has won the League Championship twice, the FA Cup four times, the League Cup twice and the European Cup Winners Cup once. The club's most successful period was during the late 1960s and early 1970s, when they won several major trophies under the management team of Joe Mercer and his assistant Malcolm Allison, and with great players such as Colin Bell and Francis Lee.
However, the club has not won a major honour since 1976. The club's decline led to relegation. twice in three years in the 1990s, meaning they spent one year in the third tier of English football. However, the club has since regained Premier League status, putting City back in the top flight, the division in which they have spent the majority of their history.