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Squadra Amaron - AS Tamalou
Squadra Amaron: | Fabgi - online |
AS Tamalou: | Michel |
Competition: | National.06 |
Start at: | 2024-12-22 18:53 |
Stadium: | Squadra Amaron Arena |
Region: | Champagne-Ardenne |
Weather: |
partly cloudy drizzle |
Hasn`t started yet. |
Prediction stats
Result | 1 | X | 2 |
Prediction(s) | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Percentage | 0% | 100% | 0% |
Most frequent predictions | |
Squadra Amaron 2 : 2 AS Tamalou | (1 times) |
Average score |
Squadra Amaron 2.00 : 2.00 AS Tamalou |
Prediction(s) and comments
Fabgi to
Un match qui risque d'être serré, mais important pour bien démarrer la saison !
Bon Match ;)