Itaallased vedasid Lõvid võidule!
2021-08-15 19:37
Marco Attuati paugutas koguni viis väravat, Gino Pelucchini lisas ühe ning 6-0 võit Taarpalli üle on tõsiasi.
Itaallased vedasid Lõvid võidule!
2021-08-15 19:37
2014-07-14 08:04
Läheb allamäge...
2013-12-28 18:09
2012-04-16 16:44
Cheers. What's gibbage talking about?
langhe 2022-12-12Have you seen what that weak langhe has done?
aluminium 2022-12-10Thank you! It was a very tough game. You were very unlucky with all the injuries this week.
il gattopardo 2022-07-14Such a weak team.
aluminium 2022-05-29He has but not for some time. I know he posted when I copied, word for word his famous Polish election winning speech though.
mr_gibbage [del] 2017-01-04Did you see that thekarsten got relegated?
mr_gibbage [del] 2017-01-04shame.. I voted for you :P
Shadow 2015-10-20pole väga uurinud, kuhu liigasse kukun. plaan 2 hooaega omi noori mjte treenida ja sis teed tähtede poole alustada. võimalik, et mõnda aega panen veel mehed nurgas taktikaga edasi.
T.Nommik 2013-04-14estonian
Lord Legolas 2013-04-10nvbfgdslona? uy?
Lord Legolas 2013-04-08page 1 | entries: 119 | next
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Junior Even Tammert has signed a contract
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Junior Raimond Müller has signed a contract
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