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Zi de meci...
2020-11-22 08:44
E duminica. E zi de meci. Afara este o vreme racoroasa de noiembrie, o zi in care Universitatea da piept cu DANFC, cainele hau-hau. Jucam impotriva liderului, asadar nu avem nimic de pierdut, doar de castigat. Cainii pe unde ne-au prins au maturat cu noi, fie ca au fost meciuri oficiale sau arcade. Pana aici a fost, nu mai rabdam umilinta :) sau ne pripim cu lozinici razboinice?: Vom vedea la finalul celor 90 de minute.
Zi de meci... Haide "U"!
Zi de meci...
2020-11-22 08:44
Unii pleaca, altii vin
2020-06-07 14:26
Studenție ...
2020-05-26 23:58
Inca un meci, inca un antrenament
2020-05-07 01:01
Prima victorie
2020-03-23 00:32
Azi esti jos, maine esti sus...
2020-01-14 14:01
"U" in cadere libera, dar nu cedam!
2019-09-22 00:19
Mereu aproape, Haide "U"!
2009-11-03 16:37
Yep, exactly why better to have option for arcade^^
adaca 2020-09-16In junior league, just make all the players run for the ball, it works.... cause there are so many errors....
adaca 2020-09-16That must be in 9 days, cause you play noob junior league.. :P
adaca 2020-09-16Save an arcade for me :)
adaca 2020-09-15Da da , va fi decstractie totala...:P
ONESTI 2020-08-25Haida 'U' !!!
ONESTI 2020-08-02Macel , tata , macel ..:)
ONESTI 2020-07-31I forgot to put keeper on... :P Hey, i still won... :P
adaca 2020-07-27Thank you for the kind words. Good luck with the rest of your season.
D-Fens 2020-07-26so i play an old school def now, tell me if you seen it before ;)
adaca 2020-07-24page 6 | entries: 3856 | next
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