Last matches:
Trophies of Ajax Trnava
2009-08-24 19:41
won Liga II.01 (First division) (2x)
won Liga II.03 (First division) (5x)
won Liga III.02 (Second division) (1x)
won Liga III.11 (Second division) (1x)
2nd place in Prvni Liga (Premier division) (1x)
2nd place in Liga II.01 (First division) (3x)
2nd place in Liga II.03 (First division) (3x)
Silver in Český Pohár (National cup) (1x)
3rd place in Liga II.01 (First division) (1x)
3rd place in Liga II.03 (First division) (3x)
Bronze in Český Pohár (National cup) (5x)

sending message here because i reach my limit of skmail... i already have one, the other coach send it to me, but thanks!
Woody 2022-03-29
Saludos desde Argentina. Crack
lulidethista 2021-06-22
Hi, could you sent me login and password to NTDB? Thanks in advance! :)
K@rol [del] 2021-01-08
Hi man, thanks you for all :)
Marchesi Ciro [del] 2020-02-07
Sorry I am stupid :-P
Black Snow [del] 2019-03-04
Hello :-) If you can read sk@. Thanks
Black Snow [del] 2019-03-03
greeting from venezuela
RACK 2017-12-13
Hello alcohol-free Brother ! :p
tibootje2000 2014-01-27
pozdravujem kamo :)
aimar21 2013-09-12
Greeting from Romania and Good Luck in Sokker and Real Life
pindoc [del] 2013-01-25page 1 | entries: 353 | next
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Junior Marcel Ryška has signed a contract
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Gergely Hollós has been sold
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Gergely Hollós has been placed on a transfer list
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Heino Vermeer has been bought
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Alex Holý has been sold
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