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Liga II - A
2021-04-14 21:07
Obiectiv atins!!!
Tot înainte!
Mult succes in liga a 3-a ,hai cu promovarea!
Gheorghe Viorel 2018-03-30Hai cu promovarea amice!!
Gheorghe Viorel 2018-01-28page 1 | entries: 2 | next
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Lucian Smiorcăilă has been placed on a transfer list
2024-11-08 18:23:55
Junior Aurel Popa has signed a contract
2024-11-08 11:56:13
Junior Lucian Smiorcăilă has signed a contract
2024-11-08 11:56:11
Domen Lisjak has been bought
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Leszek Kiełpiński has been sold
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