Last matches:
2008-10-05 10:48
Season 14:
week 8: cup
week 9: cup?
week 10: cup?
week 11: Barhilo
week 12: Sharoni123
week 13: wrestny Paul
week 14: koka
weak 15: uberweakest weakling
2008-10-05 10:48
2008-07-12 11:08
Season 12
2008-02-12 11:46
Friendlies season 11
2007-11-06 22:44
Friendlies season 10
2007-08-12 14:18
2007-05-20 22:48
Friendlies & admin stuff
2007-01-15 13:17
KNVB Beker
2006-10-10 15:59
Back, but no longer NC...
2006-08-10 11:35
2006-07-10 19:29

Leuk dat je een beroemde Franse spits in de gelederen hebt :)
Pandula 2022-07-01
Groeten uit Polen:) Ik wens je veel geluk met je spel.
Krzysztof 2022-05-22
I am a mystery to myself….
Forestman 2022-04-14
Some things never change like forestman posting in the wrong guest book.
aluminium 2022-03-17
They haven't died, but they have declined. Clinging on with the last possible gasp. I did beat forest reserves in the league, in games that mattered.
aluminium 2022-03-16
Almost certainly. Had to get the first bit of spam in your GB in over a decade.
aluminium 2022-03-16
uberweakest weakling - I bet he was the best
aluminium 2022-03-16
Dank je wel !!
volharding [del] 2011-02-13
Jammer gozer!
wempetje [del] 2011-02-13
Naah, kaal met baardje wordt weer helemaal hip.
kasimsietsma 2011-02-01page 1 | entries: 2774 | next
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Don Monteiro has been sold
2025-03-04 20:01:01
Olivier Schepers has been sold
2025-03-04 19:46:21
Olivier Schepers has been placed on a transfer list
2025-03-02 19:46:15
Don Monteiro has been placed on a transfer list
2025-03-02 19:46:02
Don Monteiro has been placed on a transfer list
2025-02-28 20:47:46