Last matches:
S52 - New chant!
2021-03-18 12:55
After a few wins in a row, atmosphere in the squad is really good and all the players feel next season will be ours! The fans are overjoyed and we have a new chant echoing from the stands
Zlatni pehari i pivo bez pene,
skupe droge i jeftine žene!
Pooolarne mede!
Svaki šut završi u meti,
ili u golu ili u starleti!
Pooolarne mede!
Nemoj da smaraš, skidaj pantalone
Šampioni smo - sledeće sezone!
S52 - New chant!
2021-03-18 12:55
S52 - after Gameday 1
2021-01-03 21:32
Chapter 3 - No more transfers
2020-12-04 14:05
Chapter 2 - Boško Rakojević - the Immortal
2020-11-20 22:17
Chapter 1 - RESTART. New squad, old goals.
2020-11-09 13:44
About Me
2008-08-27 00:19
Club Legends
2008-08-26 05:06
2008-08-26 04:44
First Squad
2008-08-26 04:37
Team Status
2008-08-26 04:25

Hvala Medo
pasha 2025-01-09
Robbed big time on your 23yo purchase :o
langhe 2024-01-01
Sto se ceka, ajd slozi U23 ekipu da opet igramo Ligu Prvaka zajedno!
Bebek [del] 2023-03-22
napred mede!
FludonJa 2023-02-26
Polarne are so cold! Freeze cold!
mighty_goy 2022-08-12
Thank you! Maybe you deserved a better result. Who knows? :)
Terrion 2022-04-29
I just realized this week what was the meaning of your team name and it reminded me a funny event that happend in Spain this winter :P
Terrion 2022-04-24
Let's go Polarne Mede ! World Champion two times in a roll
renanjq 2022-04-22
Cumpliste tu promesa neuro! Enhorabuena!
majti_orion 2022-04-15
congratz :) what a thriller! i want this cc match every seasson!
La Paternal [del] 2022-04-15page 1 | entries: 1157 | next
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Junior Bogoljub Pušonja has signed a contract
2025-03-13 06:19:59
Sly Šilović has been sold
2025-03-08 11:03:26
Sly Šilović has been placed on a transfer list
2025-03-06 11:02:34
Junior Sly Šilović has signed a contract
2025-03-06 06:47:25
Kornelije Miljković has been bought
2025-02-22 19:41:38