Last matches:
Season 4-8
2020-09-04 23:09
Just to add some achievements about last seasons:
Player level: Nicholas Vezzaro - U21 WORLD CHAMPION
Supporters: >2100;
Budget: >150 mil -> then invested in defenders with higher potential;
League updates:
- Team finished Liga IV.11 in position 1.
- Team has been promoted to Liga III.08.
- Team finished Liga IV.02 in position 1.
Cup: 3rd and 4th round
Training remain on high level.
Next steps:
Keep the high level of training.
Enjoy the ride in the sokker new format!
Season 4-8
2020-09-04 23:09
Achievements Season 2
2020-05-27 21:47
Achievements Season 1
2020-04-26 10:26

Poate are un talent ascuns :P poate il gasesti tu :)
Clau_Goool 2020-11-21
Cumpara-mi elevul, dar sa nu fii zgarcit la buzunar :P
Clau_Goool 2020-11-20
A treia oara e cu noroc, nu stiai?:)))
Clau_Goool 2020-02-10entries: 4 | next
Number of users invited: 2 | |
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