Last matches:
The Man, The Myth, The Legend
2018-02-05 14:48
134 official matches for the club, 265 goals and 59 assists.
55 NT matches, 59 goals, 6 assists and counting...
A history maker, predator up front, cold blooded finisher.
Best player in the club's history!
The Man, The Myth, The Legend...the one and the only, Martin Svoboda!
Martin Svoboda, age: 27
club: NK Turanj, country: Hrvatska,
value: 21 044 000 kn, wage: 258 600 kn,
incredible [13] form, divine [17] tactical discipline,
height: 175 cm, weight: 66.1 kg, BMI: 21.58
excellent [10] stamina hopeless [1] keeper
superdivine [17] pace very good [9] defender
divine [17] technique formidable [11] playmaker
good [7] passing superdivine [17] striker
The Man, The Myth, The Legend
2018-02-05 14:48
Relaxing moment...
2016-03-23 21:01
Novosti 19.8.2011.
2011-08-19 14:21
Klupske novosti
2011-07-13 15:29

bolje se ostavi spama i pošalji dodatne treninge ovih svojih lavova ;)
valsimot 2025-01-13
S P A M :)
valsimot 2025-01-11
S P A M :)
Maradona_Castro 2017-01-22entries: 21 | next
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